Wednesday, July 6

Another Year Bites the Dust

This past weekend was my birthday!! I had a great day overall. Kelly came in from out of town to hang out for the weekend, and Brian threw a small party for me! I got a new sewing machine from Mom & Joe, some tequila from Kris & Kelly, Chili's gift card and some fantastic people spent time with me. It would have been perfect if I could have a little better at drinking in moderation. I had WAY, WAY, WAY too much to drink and before it was all said and done I was hanging my head in the vomit bucket. I'll spare you all the gory details, I'll suffice it to say I have the best man on the planet: he took care of my super drunk self and still loved me when it was over. I am an OBNOXIOUS drunk...I heard stories from several people. :-( 

I did learn that I love self portraits when I'm drunk and my friends like to plank when they are drunk... Enjoy the pics!

Good times, thankfully my friends all love me enough not to take gross, yucky, drunk pics.

*Special thanks to those of you unfortunate enough to still be at the house when the shit hit the fan , so to speak. I love y'all!