Monday, March 15

I am officially Insane- Week One

So this is the kickoff to my new found stay-at-home-mommy-ness. I have been doing laundry and dishes and making plans all day. I even made it to the bank and re-organized the munchkin's closet a little this afternoon. And the cherry on my day? I worked out this morning. I am starting Shaun T.'s Insanity workout series by Beachbody.

This morning was just a "Fit Test" that is to be completed, and results noted, every two weeks. My numbers were pretty sad and I thought my lungs were going to collapse before it was over but I somehow managed to finish the first DVD. I am really worried about what the rest of the week is going to look like if today's was just supposed to be an indicator workout. We shall see how it goes. I know I need to get on the ball and do something. I can't just sit on my booty and expect it to miraculously shrink, though I do 'fess up to hoping that happens. I also realize that I'm not getting any younger so it's going to get harder and not easier to maintain or lose some weight.

This week should be fun though, even if my muscles spend the whole time screaming at me. Since tomorrow is the munchkin's last day at Daycare we are going to take the opportunity to have some adult time and get to the movies with a friend. I can't wait to see Alice and Wonderland in IMax 3D! Then Wednesday is going to include a trip to Six Flags and a hockey game! I'm not sure what is on the agenda for the weekend, but I have a list a mile long of house stuff that has to get done.

Well I'm off to work on my list instead of goofing off on the internet. (Who me?)

Sunday, March 7

Time to Turn the Page

OK, here's the update. I got my job back, I tried to file a harassment complaint, I got threatened with termination again, fought that, and now I have resigned. My last day is next Friday. I'm going to play stay-at-home mommy for a little bit then try to get a teaching certification and teach middle school science.

I figure if I am going to be home with all this time on my hands I should be productive. I am going to work with the munchkin on her alphabet and numbers etc since we are pulling her out of daycare. I am going to try to keep my house as clean as I want it, but can't seem to actually accomplish when I am working or in school. I plan to do a lot of baking, maybe even sell a few cakes for money on the side. I found a great website with some super fun looking recipes that I plan to try.

I always knew that having a baby would change my life, but there is no way to know just how much until it happens. It makes me think of Jack Nicolas in As Good As It Gets when he tells Helen Hunt's character that she makes him want to be a better man. Well, for me, having a daughter makes me want to be a better person. And, more than that, she makes me actually try to be that person. It's really overwhelming and rather terrifying when I think of it like that. The person that I want to be for her has some insanely HUGE shoes to fill. I hope I can live up to that, it seems like I keep raising the bar for myself.