Sunday, October 24

2010 LIVESTRONG Challenge- Austin

     I ran my first 5K this weekend. It was an amazing, incredible, profound experience that I want to repeat time and time again. I had hoped to convince someone to run with me, I was really nervous about doing it alone, but no one wanted to join to party. In the end I'm glad that I did it, that I had to follow through without anyone holding my hand. Brian, Isabella, and our friend Kelly came to cheer me on (and take some pics for me). Frankly, the people running and walking in the race probably would have been more than happy to hold my hand and get me to the end. Everyone was so nice and friendly!

     The weekend started with us leaving town late and not getting to the registration tent in time for my shirt and bib. Yuck! That meant we had to wake up even earlier to make sure I could get everything done in time for the race. Mom was nice enough to get us a hotel for the night so we met Kelly at the hotel and went out to for some dinner. After we ate, we hung out and tried to convince the munchkin to go to was probably after midnight before we all fell asleep. The alarm went off at 5:30a and the day began! There was a little stress on the drive over because of a small error in the GPS input that deposited us in someone's front yard, but after we got that figured out, it was smooth sailing. I checked in, got my (BRIGHT yellow) shirt, pinned on my number and 'in honor of' bibs, and started stretching. A quick munch on a banana and a piece of bagel, an even quicker drink of water and, before I knew it, they were calling us for staging. (somewhere in there we found time to take some pics, but it's kind of a blur)

     I found a place somewhere towards the middle of the pack of 3,000!! I chatted with a few people standing near me, but I found I wasn't nearly as talkative as normal. (those of you who know me, realize what a major moment that is...) The emcee announced that we had managed to raise almost $3 million and talked about the pedicabs that would be pulling young cancer survivors and current cancer fighters. It felt like forever and like no time at all before the start of the race. I walked in the blob of people to the start line, hit start on my endomondo, and I was off. Austin is such a great city! People came out just to watch, businesses on the race route opened their doors and blasted music for us, even the police officers cheered as we went by. The course itself was full of hills, bad me for not checking on that before the race. I did not train for hills so they kicked my ass. I even had to stop and walk on a few of those uphill treks. I ran the whole first half, took a quick walk break at the half point hydration station, then ran/walked the next 2K. I ran, really pushed, for the last 0.5K to the finish. I happened to catch Kelly and Isabella standing on the sidelines cheering for me, it was the perfect push to haul booty for that last bit. I came in at 48.10, almost 2 full minutes faster than my goal time!! 

     I am so proud of myself. I did this all by myself. Now, that's not to say that I didn't have LOTS of supports along the way, I have the best friends and family. But no one else trained for me,no one else had to drag themselves out of bed at 5 am or run in 100+ heat or stop after half a mile wheezing and disappointed, no one else dropped 20lbs. I was the one at the starting line, and I was the one who ran in to the finish line. I got the idea of running this race for my friend's mom and I did run for her. (see the whole story, and feel free to donate still: 2010 LIVESTRONG Challenge- Austin- Nomi) Somewhere along the way, this became about more than honoring Cathy. I'm not sure when it happened, but somehow this adventure became about me growing into myself. I've been able to claim a new label, now I'm a runner! I've also proven to myself that I can do it. Whatever 'it' is, I can handle it. It may not always be easy, I may not be able to handle every training run...but I can handle the race. What I realize now is that I am stronger than I thought I was, I am tougher than I thought I was, and best of all, I like the me I've discovered. 

Now I'm off to research running shoes. Brian promised me a new pair after my race!!

Thursday, September 30


I was reading this post on a friend's Facebook page regarding her new Grave's disease diagnosis. An Open Letter It is an open letter for those who don't understand the disease and the serious effects that thyroid issues can wreak on a patient's life. I sat and cried while I was reading because I could recognize many of those problems in my own health. I don't have Grave's disease, but I do have a very similar auto-immune disease called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. The biggest difference between the two is that Grave's disease sufferers generally have to deal with more fluctuation between hypo- and hyperthyroid activity. For some, Hashimoto's can cause the back and forth swings as well, but most deal with a severely under active or completely inactive thyroid. I thought this would be an ideal opportunity to explain what it's like to live with my condition, anyone can google "thyroid diseases" and get some great clinical information, but there isn't nearly as much out there about the day to day that some of us deal with.

 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 8 weeks after I delivered Isabella. I was lucky to have a great OB/GYN who recognized my energy (new mommies don't have energy), hot flashes, and swollen neck as indicators of thyroid over activity and got me in to an endocrinologist ASAP.  Because I was breast feeding I refused the iodine reuptake test, and instead went with a "watch and see" approach. The endocrinologist explained that it was most likely Hashimoto's and that I would have to 'run through' the stored thyroid hormone in my body before the hypo- symptoms started. He said that during my pregnancy I had developed this autoimmune disease that I would have to deal with for the rest of my life. My body turned on me, attacked me, destroyed a vital organ, and would never function properly again. I would have to take pills for the rest of my life to keep my body functioning: to control some of the most basic biological processes. Your thyroid controls your metabolism, your ability to regulate heat, your sensitivity to other hormones can be altered, in some cases an untreated hypo-thyroid condition can cause coma or even death.

For several more weeks my thyroid hormone levels were elevated. I was burning! I do not look forward to menopause when I get to repeat the hot flashes. It was January, it was COLD outside, and I was running around in T-shirts and tank tops because I was so hot. It was like I was on fire on the inside. I was very excited about the weight loss, it was dropping off and within 12 weeks I was almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight without exercising at all. My hands would shake like I was always on a caffeine OD. I'm already kind of clumsy, this just made it that much worse. It was bothersome, but I had no idea what I was in for. Once my body used up all the thyroid hormone that I had stored, there was nothing. My thyroid isn't just isn't active at all. It is just a dead organ in my neck. It's been downhill since then.

I'll take this opportunity to apologize. This is it, the only time I'm going to do it. I'm sorry my disease impacts the way I relate to the world, how/what I can do, and the relationships in my life. I know it's hard to be there for someone whose illness isn't obvious, whose symptoms don't always seem possible or real, someone who looks "normal" but acts disabled. I know that my symptoms may come across as contrived, that I'm just "milking it" or taking advantage of my diagnosis. I promise this isn't true. I really am exhausted, no matter how much I sleep. I really am confused and unable to concentrate, it's not that I'm not trying to pay attention to you or that what you say isn't important to me. I forget things, all the time, even really important things. I don't mean to ignore you or blow you off, sometimes I just can't do anything but hide inside myself for a bit. More often than not, I just don't have anything left after I've spent the day with my daughter. Of course I want to hang out and get something to eat or grab some drinks, I just simply can't. Some days I can't even drag my ass into the shower, it is that hard. My joints swell up, I can't even wear my class ring anymore and it's only been two years since I graduated. My hair falls out and my skin is dry and flaky and breaking out like crazy. My balance is off more than it used to be, so I fall even more often now. I'm afraid that I am going to have to have surgery soon too. I have a mass on my thyroid now and if it begins to grow, I'll have to allow a doctor to slice my neck open and remove my useless thyroid glands. I'm sad and anxious and so very tired...and this is all with synthetic thyroid hormone replacement. I have no idea what I would be like without my meds, but I wish there were some better options.

I am trying to do other things better now. I am making an effort to take care of myself, to exercise and lose weight (as you can see from the other posts on this blog). I know that carrying around extra pounds isn't helping my symptoms. Hopefully staying closer to my friends will help too, I don't think that shutting myself away has done me any favors. I have other medical conditions to deal with as well, many people with autoimmune diseases do. It's very common to have more than one autoimmune disorder at once. Mine are Hashimoto's and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I've had CFS since I was a junior in high school. I have periods of days, or even weeks, where I am so exhausted that it is all I can do to keep my eyes open all day. I've heard people comment about how "lazy" I am, or how much I must party since all I do is sleep all day. It could be that I slept 14 hours last night and I can still barely stay awake now, or it may be that my anxiety is so bad that I haven't slept more than 2 or 3 hours at a time in several days. The bottom line is I don't talk about this stuff, but maybe I should. I don't want to complain all the time and I don't want to burden anyone with my issues, however I do want people to understand. It's not just about my thyroid and fatigue conditions, it's about other people who have fibromyalgia or lupus or Grave's or even arthritis. Everyone is dealing with their own circumstances and just because you don't or can't see a problem doesn't mean that there isn't a problem. Don't be so quick to judge other people's battles (and everyone has them), especially when you don't know anything about them.

I'll keep dragging myself out of bed for her. I'll keep trying to be as 'normal' as possible. I will be the best example I can be for her. More than anything else in the world, I hope that she never has this.

**Note: I probably won't do anything quite so heavy anytime soon. Stay turned!**

Wednesday, September 29

A few things that make me smile

As we near the end of September I can proudly say I have lost 15 lbs so far. I have quite a way to go, but I am very excited about this first 15. I was sitting in my favorite spot on the sofa last night contemplating how much more comfy and baggy my jeans are now that there is less of me to stuff in them and my weight loss has finally started to sink in. It's been a little slower than I had hoped, but I'm noticing new things that make me smile a whole lot more often now. Like, how our bath towels (not bath sheets, but regular towels) firmly close all the way around me again. They used to gape open at the hip area so it didn't really cover anything important. As Peach would say, "the good china" was out for all to see. (If you aren't a Project Runway fan, sorry. If you are a PJ fan, you should read this The Sassy Curmudgeon.) I'm sure Brian was trying his hardest not to fall out of his chair laughing at me when I came bounding out of the bathroom with the towel around me hollering, "Look Babe! Look, it goes all the way around!" :insert amusing spin in the hallway followed by me running back to the bathroom to finish getting ready:

3-21 Gettin my hair did
(This pic is from '07 and one of my absolute favorites. Sorry I don't have the cojones to post a pic of ME in a towel just yet.)

Make me smile realization #2: My boobs are shrinking!! WooHoo!! Happy Dance at Nomi's! I have discovered that some of my bras are getting looser and some of them are (gasp!) even a little bit too big. Predictably, Brian is not thrilled with this new development. He is trying very hard to be supportive of my weight loss endeavors but this side effect is really bumming him out. According to the measurements I have been taking since the beginning of August, I am down about an inch and a half at the bust. I am, if you couldn't tell, very excited about the shrinking boobs...I just wish they didn't have to sag even more now. Oh well, maybe one day I really can afford the breast reduction/lift procedure. #3: My flip flops are more comfortable. I must admit, I didn't see this one coming. I had started to notice that the instep was starting to dig in and blister my feet right where the strap connects to the sole of the shoe. I attributed this to a need for new shoes (because what red-blooded, American woman wouldn't jump at the excuse to buy new shoes?!?), but looks like I was wrong. I guess 15 lbs less makes a big difference in the amount of pressure on my shoes and now I can wear some that I didn't wear all summer. I'll have to try this out on some of my stilettos that I stashed because they were just too painful to contemplate.
HEELS Pictures, Images and Photos

Now that I've thoroughly patted myself on the back and spent far too much time looking at pics of great stilettos, I must come back to reality. I have been doing really well with the calorie counting, but I haven't been able to work out since before I went to Kansas on the 18th. I ate far too much while I was there...I went almost 4,000(!) calories over on ONE day of that weekend and I'm not even sure I counted everything I ate. Once I got back, my allergies attacked me and I have been wheezing and hacking since. Every time I try to work out I can't make it past my warmup before the wheezing starts and I can't continue. I HAVE to get back to my jogging/running training so I can be ready for the LiveStrong Challenge. I'm down to less than a month! I already had to drop out of the Run for the Fund race at Seaworld on Oct 2. I'm disappointed that I can't do it, but I WILL do the LiveStrong Challenge. I don't care if I have to drag myself across the finish line on my hands and knees, I will do it.

Sorry :-(

I know, I know, it's been over six months since the last time I posted. I'm sorry. I really want to keep up with this blog, but I just can't seem to make it happen. I am trying again, with a new sense of motivation. It's kind of like losing weight. I start out really motivated and then it tapers off and I end up back where I started (or worse!). I have a few back-posts from my personal journal that I am going to try and condense into this post and then I'll be back on top of things.

July 2010

7-3 At Asia Kitchen for lunch

Right after my birthday I had a small nervous breakdown. I was just lounging around a couple of weeks after looking through the pics from the surprise party that Brian threw for me and I realized that there wasn't a single good pic of me. In fact, I absolutely HATED every pic I saw. Then my pants split. Not just any pair of pants; my most favorite, stretchy, comfy, fat jeans burst apart. Once I got past the shock of throwing away my fav pants, I realized I had to face the scale. Watching the needle on the scale jerk around and come to a stop at the same number that I saw when I was 7 months pregnant(!) was one of the worst feelings ever. It's been almost four years, how can I possibly weigh this much? How could I have let myself get this bad? How did I not freak out 50 or 60lbs ago and do something? I talked to Brian and a couple of great friends and started my weight loss adventure on July 19, 2010.

August 2010


By August 1, I lost 6 lbs. I started counting calories using an iPhone app called LoseIt! and trying to workout five or six days a week. Some days all I could do was 30 minutes of simple yoga stretches, other days I am using "Rockin' Body" videos. Thus far, its all been cardio or stretching but I know I need to add resistance training too. Ugh! The thought of digging the bow-flex out of the mess and then working out in the nasty, hot, sweltering garage -- no thanks! Eww. I'll keep thinking about that one. I know I should be making better food choices too, but I find it almost impossible to eat "good" foods when the people I eat with are chowing down on all the stuff I'd rather have. Mostly I've been just eating much smaller portions of the same junk to keep my calories in check. Right now it's working, but I know that eventually I'll need to eat a little differently if I want to continue to see results. By the 30th, things are looking a little brighter, and lighter (down 12 lbs). Unfortunately on of my best friends is going through a hard time and her mom is seriously ill. After I spoke with her one afternoon and we discussed our weight battles and her mom's struggles I was inspired. I signed up for the Lance Armstrong LiveStrong Challenge in Austin! The proceeds go to cancer research and resources for cancer patients and their families. I am running (maybe walking) the 5K distance and I am trying to raise $250 on top of my registration fee by then.

Until next time...

Monday, March 15

I am officially Insane- Week One

So this is the kickoff to my new found stay-at-home-mommy-ness. I have been doing laundry and dishes and making plans all day. I even made it to the bank and re-organized the munchkin's closet a little this afternoon. And the cherry on my day? I worked out this morning. I am starting Shaun T.'s Insanity workout series by Beachbody.

This morning was just a "Fit Test" that is to be completed, and results noted, every two weeks. My numbers were pretty sad and I thought my lungs were going to collapse before it was over but I somehow managed to finish the first DVD. I am really worried about what the rest of the week is going to look like if today's was just supposed to be an indicator workout. We shall see how it goes. I know I need to get on the ball and do something. I can't just sit on my booty and expect it to miraculously shrink, though I do 'fess up to hoping that happens. I also realize that I'm not getting any younger so it's going to get harder and not easier to maintain or lose some weight.

This week should be fun though, even if my muscles spend the whole time screaming at me. Since tomorrow is the munchkin's last day at Daycare we are going to take the opportunity to have some adult time and get to the movies with a friend. I can't wait to see Alice and Wonderland in IMax 3D! Then Wednesday is going to include a trip to Six Flags and a hockey game! I'm not sure what is on the agenda for the weekend, but I have a list a mile long of house stuff that has to get done.

Well I'm off to work on my list instead of goofing off on the internet. (Who me?)

Sunday, March 7

Time to Turn the Page

OK, here's the update. I got my job back, I tried to file a harassment complaint, I got threatened with termination again, fought that, and now I have resigned. My last day is next Friday. I'm going to play stay-at-home mommy for a little bit then try to get a teaching certification and teach middle school science.

I figure if I am going to be home with all this time on my hands I should be productive. I am going to work with the munchkin on her alphabet and numbers etc since we are pulling her out of daycare. I am going to try to keep my house as clean as I want it, but can't seem to actually accomplish when I am working or in school. I plan to do a lot of baking, maybe even sell a few cakes for money on the side. I found a great website with some super fun looking recipes that I plan to try.

I always knew that having a baby would change my life, but there is no way to know just how much until it happens. It makes me think of Jack Nicolas in As Good As It Gets when he tells Helen Hunt's character that she makes him want to be a better man. Well, for me, having a daughter makes me want to be a better person. And, more than that, she makes me actually try to be that person. It's really overwhelming and rather terrifying when I think of it like that. The person that I want to be for her has some insanely HUGE shoes to fill. I hope I can live up to that, it seems like I keep raising the bar for myself.

Monday, January 18


Wow, I just can't seem to keep up. These last few days have been pretty stressful and I can't believe this is all happening. I got hurt last Monday at work. I have a splint on my hand and it's kinda painful and a real pain in the ass. That was just the beginning. The researcher I am working under (the one I had a "great feeling about") was very upset with the whole situation. And boy was I wrong about my initial impression... Thursday rolls around and it is super tense at work. We were anticipating a meeting with him at the end of the day so we worked super hard to make sure everything was perfect. About 20min before the end of my shift he calls me in to his office to terminate me!! So, long story short: Monday = injury, Thursday = termination, Friday = termination rescinded, Tuesday = 1st day back at work with a "temporary reassignment" and a meeting with HR.

I know my blood pressure is through the roof and I really wish I could find a way to de-stress that didn't involve shoveling large amounts of high fat food into my face at an alarming rate. I've actually been pretty good about the food, likely because I start to feel sick when I think about how tomorrow is going to pan out. I know he must be angry that he was forced to rescind my termination and I think it's possible that he may try to make things really bad/ uncomfortable for me in the hopes that I back down and leave.

The truth is, I really want to back down and leave. I don't want to deal with this stress and I don't want to work somewhere that my boss obviously doesn't want me there. However, I need the job, for sure. But more than that, I want to make sure I am setting a good example for the munchkin. How can I push her to stand up for herself when she gets bullied when I won't even do it for myself? How can I teach her to stand up for the right thing if I run away instead? So, for her, I will stay and fight this. I'll be miserable and cranky and I'm probably going to accumulate several new "uncolored" hairs in the process, but I have to do it. I'm glad that I have almost 100 pics of her on my iPhone so I can look at her and be reminded when tomorrow gets inevitably crappy.

I can only hope that I remember what I need to say and have it in me to keep my mouth shut when I should and speak up when it's necessary. I also hope, against hope, that I can keep my emotions in check and that I don't bawl like a baby all over the people I have to deal with.

I'll keep you posted.